OH LA LAQUA smiley drop that winks from time to time


Afraid of water? We've got you covered.

We know from our own experience: it's not always easy to drink enough water regularly. But don't worry, we have a few tricks up our sleeve that will improve your drinking routine in the long term.

Start with small changes:

  1. Keep a glass of your favorite (healthy) drink within reach and keep refilling it.
  2. Start your day with a glass of water. It's like a kick-start for your body, signaling to it: The action begins!
  3. Pack your kids healthy drinks so they don't have to resort to nasty alternatives at school.
  4. Always take your water bottle with you! Whether you're at work or doing sports - your bottle is a friendly drinking reminder and also makes a statement.
  5. Put together your drinking ration for the day and get a little closer to it with every sip.
  6. Create a drinking schedule. (Why not? Lists are king. And queen.)
  7. Keep a drinking diary to get a clear picture of your hydration situation and to help you keep track of it later.
  8. There are also lots of drinking apps that can motivate and remind you. Just try out what works for you.

But that's not all, of course. Natural Waterfusion from OH LA LAQUA is made to sweeten your water drinking experience and bring joy to your daily routines - without any sugar, sweeteners, calories or artificial additives. We have so many great flavors that you can look forward to a new exciting flavor in your water bottle or glass at least every day of the week. What will you start with?