Two men run a trail


Water, water, water - how much do we really need?

Our body consists to a large extent of water. It goes without saying that it therefore needs a sufficient supply of fluids in order to function properly. But how much water do we actually need? And does this apply equally to all age groups and athletes? We set out to find the answers!


- How much water should babies, children and teenagers drink?
- How much water should adults drink?
- How much water should seniors drink?
- How much water should athletes drink?


How much water should babies, children and teenagers drink?

In relation to their weight, babies and small children need more fluids than adults, as their bodies consist of 70 to 80 percent water. Especially in the transition phase to solid food, they should drink very regularly to avoid dehydration. Breastfed babies get the necessary fluids from their mother's milk, while bottle-fed babies need infant formula. For babies and toddlers, 200 milliliters are recommended in the transition phase, 600 to 700 milliliters in the final phase on solid food and 800 milliliters daily from the first year of life. As a general rule, the earlier young children get used to a healthy fluid intake, the better.

How much water should children and young people drink?

There are also special drinking recommendations for children and young people: 950 milliliters for 4 to 10-year-olds and 1.2 liters for 10 to 15-year-olds to ensure an adequate supply of fluids. Incidentally, schoolchildren can concentrate better if they drink enough during lessons. And because they often forget to drink, they should always be reminded to do so. Or even better: positively motivate them to do so. This works, for example, with attractive water bottles and fun flavors.

How much water should adults drink?

The rule of thumb for adults is 30 to 40 milliliters of fluid per day and kilogram of body weight. At a weight of 70 kilograms, this corresponds to 2.1 to 2.8 liters of fluid. However, the actual requirement depends on various factors, such as the ambient temperature, physical exertion and illness. And, of course, how firm we want our skin to be or how focused we want to be - because drinking a little more than just the right amount of water regularly is a real secret weapon. It's your choice.

How much water should seniors drink?

Our body is clever and signals to us when it's time to drink. Or so we think! Unfortunately, you can really train yourself to lose the feeling of thirst. It also varies greatly from person to person and becomes weaker with age. From the age of 70, we no longer perceive our thirst as strongly or only when it is actually already too late. This is not only bad for our well-being and fitness, it can also have serious consequences for our health.

According to the recommendation of the German Nutrition Society, people aged 65 and over should drink at least 1.3 liters a day.
Depending on the person and their individual situation, this may be more. (An exception is people with heart or kidney disease, for example, for whom the doctor also recommends a drinking limit).

How much water should athletes drink?

Sweating = water loss: It's clear that we need more fluids when we exercise. The German Sport University Cologne recommends drinking 300 to 500 milliliters of fluid before exercise and 0.5 to 1.0 liters in small sips every 15 minutes during exercise. After sport, it is also important to compensate for fluid loss. In the regeneration phase after sport, the intake of minerals and carbohydrates is particularly important in addition to fluids. Juice spritzers are particularly suitable for this. Our tip: A small pinch of salt or a high mineral content in the water compensates for the loss of salt due to heavy sweating during exercise.

Regardless of age and whether you're an athlete or not, drinking enough water is important for our bodies and helps us to feel good. So, cheers and happy hydration!